Masmaat Latif


Masmaat Latif, Gremory, Azumarill, Haxorus) – 7.9/10

I’ve just completed a couple of teams with my team, but I’m not sure how many teams I’ve done before, so I’m in shock at how many teams you guys came up with. Obviously one of the things you guys did right was all the items. I had a lot of trouble going for items because of the number of eva’s I had. Since my team already had all the items and I was able to go to all three stages of battles.

It felt so good actually, when it worked. Even if it was a winnable match. I really wanted to win on my team. Then the next thing was getting some good items. I was getting lucky to find the best items with how much I was already stocked up. It gave me a good feeling about what I was going to do.

I was going to choose Pinsir and Mega Venusaur, but I had too many Mega Evos in my team. I had only two Mega Evos with me, and you never know what these guys actually do. They had Mega Launcher, so that took a lot of the power and the moves. And I only have three other Mega Evos so if I get something I want it to be strong, and so I just grabbed something weaker instead. That is what we did.

Then after finishing the team I was just thinking how many moves I have left. Maybe half a dozen moves for my team now. I had a pretty full team at the time, and I was like I’m going to start over. It turned out I only needed to find one or two new things to help this team out.

What do you find most valuable in Pokemon?

Dingbat – You get lucky when you find pokemon that don’t grow on trees, like the Pidgey that’s the star of Pidgeot. That one is so rare that it shouldn’t be. You don’t see these things until you’re older anyway, so I knew it was the best one out of the ones I had seen. Also, there’s a Pokemon that’s the same as my favorite Pokemon, Snorlax, but it’s just in a different color. I could never find it and didn’t want to have bad luck.

Potion of Speed – When I first saw

Masmaat Latif

Location: Tehran , Iran
Company: China National Petroleum